Bowen Method Center

Bowen Method Center

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us?

Since there are more and more Bowen Clinics popping up everywhere, why should you come to the Bowen Method Center rather than the other clinics? Although everyone claims to know Bowen Therapy, there are as many variations and philosophies as there are therapists. So how do you know who you should go to for help?

In an effort to help you make an informed decision here are some points about the Bowen Method Center that may help you make the right choice for you.

  1. The Bowen Method is a medically based, common sense modality and we practice it that way. We will give you an informed opinion on what we believe to be causing your problem based on your doctor’s diagnosis, symptoms, physical signs, your complaints and our experience. We do not practice medicine nor do we pretend to have magical powers to heal. We will work with you and your doctor or chiropractor to give you the best medical care possible.
  2. We have performed thousands of Bowen treatments over the past 20 years and maintain a client base of over 2000 clients. We have a vast amount of experience in practically every condition you might have.
  3. All of our therapists are trained here at the Bowen Method Center. This means that no matter which therapist you choose, you will receive consistent, professional therapy. All of our therapists receive continuing education to stay sharp and informed to give you the best therapy possible.
  4. Our therapists are knowledgeable in the Bowen Method as well as in anatomy and kinesiology.
  5. We do not practice any other form of bodywork. We practice the Bowen Method exclusively. We believe that when the Bowen Method is properly applied there is no need for any other form of bodywork.

When you come to the Bowen Method Center, you can rest assured that you will get consistent, informed, professional care from start to finish.

Our Sessions

Our Sessions

How long are the sessions?

A session at the Bowen Method Center is usually about an hour long. Sometimes we perform half hour sessions, but the shorter sessions are usually done on clients that have already had several sessions and only need a few moves to address a particular problem such as a neck, shoulder or back problem.

How Many Sessions do I need?

Three sessions are usually done seven days apart, or as close to seven days as possible. This is done to insure that the body is not overworked and has time to heal and adjust itself to the work done during the previous session. The work that is done in the office just initiates the healing process. Tight atrophied tissue cannot be released and healed in one hour.

It is our belief that after the tissue is released enough to restore blood flow, it usually takes approximately seven days for the healing process to take place. Then we perform another session and address any remaining issues you may have. After three sessions, there is usually significant improvement depending on the type and length of injury.

After the third session, we will usually make a recommendation, based on your improvement and your input, on how many weeks before you should return, if any further treatment is needed at all.

We usually recommend a monthly maintenance session. We have found that the clients who practice this have less illness and experience less serious injuries when their body is kept in balance with a monthly treatment.

What to Wear

We do not require you to disrobe for the session. Please wear soft, loose fitting clothing that would be easy to work through. Sweat pants or shorts and a T-shirt are good. If you are coming from work or cannot wear this type of clothing to the session, please bring a change of clothes and change in the treatment room.



The Bowen Method Center was established in 1998 by Christine Jones and Steven Sanders. The office was originally located near the corner of Madison Avenue and San Juan. They quickly out grew the space and moved the Center down the street to its present location at 8080 Madison Avenue, just next to Fair Oaks Park.

Although Christine and Steve separately had successful Bowen practices, they both strongly felt that there was a lack of knowledge and professionalism in the field of Bowen Therapy. So, rather than just complain about their feelings, they got together and formed the Bowen Method Center. Their client base continued to grow as word spread of the success their clients gained with the Bowen Method.

In 1999 they began teaching the Bowen Method in a manner they felt more in keeping with Tom Bowen’s method of knowledge and understanding of the human body. They felt that if the Bowen Method was going to gain the creditability it deserved, they needed to start by getting students trained properly and out in the field practicing. After just a few classes, word traveled quickly of the high quality teaching provided. Classes grew to the point where a separate, larger classroom had to be obtained to accommodate the students. Luckily, an office suite just next door to the main office became vacant that was perfect for the classroom and it was opened in the spring of 2003.

The Bowen Method Center offers only treatments in the Bowen Method. All of the therapists are professionally trained at the Bowen Method Center insuring the client gets consistent, reliable therapy. Christine and Steve have successfully accomplished making the Bowen Method Center a professional office that is warm and inviting. Whether you come in for therapy or training, you will get the best that the Bowen Method Center has to offer.

Christine Jones and Steven Sanders have since retired and one of their students Jessica Rennie has taken over the practice.



The treatment rooms are warmly furnished to allow the client to feel relaxed. Each room is equipped with an electric lift table which has three different types of padding including; a foam pad, a down feather pad, and the extra thick mattress cover. Each treatment room also has a surround stereo system for beautiful soft background music.